Monday, November 29, 2010

Kipopo at Lubumbashi

     Thursday morning we were going fishing.  A Congolese guy (who drives faster than Uncle John) led the way.  It was really bumpy, partly because we had to catch up with him.  Once we had to stop because the engine was getting heated.  When we got there, he took us on a tour, and it was pretty big.  He said that one of the presidents used to go there because he liked it there; I don't know which one it was.  When we got back, the person in charge (I think) took us to his house. They had a dog named Evil Spirit.  I guess they thought it was funny.  We got the fishing rods out (four in all because we had taken Josh with us) and took them down to the boat.  We got to go on a boat with paddles.  We also had a lunch, a can, Tim's fishing kit, and Papa's backpack.
  Well I guess I should get going on the fishing.  The boat had three barrels on each side and planks in the middle so that you can walk on it.  Well anyway, we went out a little ways and then drifted back to a weeded place and then paddled back up then drifted back then paddled up and started drifting back into some tall weeds.  So then Tim tied us there and we cast our lines out.  All this time we hadn't had any luck.  Some guppies started to come over to Papa, and so we fed them some bread.  Then a guy came and gave us some clams, and he told us that there were talapia and catfish up by the dam so we paddled up there, went to some weeds, and fished there a bit.  
  Later we went up to some other weeds and stuck some paddles into the ground to hold it in place.  Tim went in the water a bit and then stood.  I went in after a little bit and felt a clam.  So we started getting clams.  Then Papa wanted to go  back where we started off, so we went back on little ways off.  We started swiming again, and Josh came in with us with his boxers on.  We felt clams again so we got a bunch in the boat.  Then my fishing started to get tugged on, but Papa didn't notice I had a huge clam in my hand so I couldn't go very fast.  But Tim noticed, and he told Papa so then Papa got my fishing rod (the rest of us were out in the water) and he started reeling in, but the FISH BROKE THE LINE.  So we didn't catch the huge fish.  NEXT TIME I'M GOING TO CATCH THE BIG ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Dude. That is epic :) You should tell Uncle John you met someone who drives faster than him, I bet he'd get a kick out of it :) What kind of clams were they? Did you get pictures of them? Bummer that you lost the fish :( Love you! :)

  2. sweet! did you try eating them? Mama should see if she could make some kind of mussel soup similar to what she, papa, and I had for my birthday dinner in White River. It was incredible... :)

  3. Um Mama looked for a recipi but they she didn't want to try it, but Mama Ujlian really likes them and we only have 3 out of 12

  4. Hey Anastasia what do I tipe in to look at your blog
