Monday, January 31, 2011

Putting Together the mortorcycle

Right now Josh, and Uncle Tim are putting together a motorcycle that Josh bought, and have putten the motor, working on the fan, gotten the bouncy thing that he can do tricks with, and a couple of other things on.  Me and Tim were out there working with them but then we had to come inside to do our stinky school;() We helped look for washers, and bolts;().

Monday, January 24, 2011

Smile Poetry

     Mice are as calm,
     and shy as a,
     Diminuative kitten,
     that is sleeping.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Caleb Bio Poem

A tree climber
Wants to have his brothers and sisters back with him
Seeks to have fun
Looks forward to being a missionary pilot in Africa
Desires a sniper pellet gun,
Fears of America falling apart
Likes climbing every kind of tree and exploring places he hasn't been to
Believes in God
Loves 'ghetti and trys to eat as much as his older brothers
Plans to go to Africa to live.
His final destination is Heaven.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

On the river at Kafubu Lodge

This is me driving a hydro bike in the river.  There were four of them.  And we were going to a branch that strechted across the river to jump off it.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Painting at a house for some orphan boys

     During Christmas break Josh knew a man who worked with orphans and was building something like a dorme and it needed to be painted.  So on the 5th day we ( who were Danielle, Josh, Kelcie, [ Chelsey was one of the girls that Danielle invited to come to DRC ] Ben, Desi, Lyle, Tim, and I ) went out there to paint ( there were really bad roads ).  When we got there we went over to the house and Josh talked to the Congolise, while he was talking to them Ben threw a rock over to a hill an then we had a contest to see who could throw the farthest.  When Josh was done talking we went inside and we all took a sanding paper and started to sand.  I did the bottom and then after that I went outside because it was to loud.  When they were done sandpapering they wondered where I was.  So I came and climbed to the top of the ladder and waited there.  Then Kelcie ( one of the girls that Danielle invited to come out ) asked me to sing for them, and I started Jingle Bells but then they all started to sing to so having me sing was kindof a fail, then Ben asked me if I wanted to paint and so I did the top.