Monday, January 23, 2012

Staying at home with Papa and Tim

     Right now Mama is going to Kinshasa to do something I forgot.  So it is mostly going to just be me and Tim (I put me in front of Tim on perpous).  Papa is going to be teaching us french, but most of the stuff we're going to do by ourselves.  It's been pretty boring so far:-(>


  1. Dear Caleb,

    See! You do miss me. I liven up your life, right?! Papa said you were doing a great job in French and he thought you could teach yourself....but this week was mainly review (on purpose :-)
    Hugs and kisses (I can still give you kisses because you aren't 12 yet. Yea, I know, only a few more months.)
    Mama <><

    1. It actually is not that boring and I do not miss you unless if it's during math because Tim doesn't know how to teach me well so I pretty much have to do it by myself.
